Saturday, January 13, 2018

Golden Tobacco Ltd.- Open Offer

Ref. Open Offer of Golden Tobacco Ltd. DPS dated 1.1.18-

Sub.Investor protection and implementation of your Regulations

The above Open offer was initially announced on 12.11.2009. I had pointed out at the initial stage itself that the Acquirers have announced Open offer with ulterior motive. They do not have any intention of seriously acquiring  and reviving the fortunes the company. The actual motive appears to be , to  settle personal score with the promoters and to pressurize and take some undue advantage from the company.
The DPS dated 1.1.18 has many issues that are incorrect , irregular and against the interest of Minority Shareholders and against the SEBI regulations as well. Kindly examine these issues  for the protection of Investors and implementation of your own Takeover code.

  1. The offer was first announced on 12.11.2009. This was voluntary offer yet it was delayed for many years by the Acquirers who sought to withdraw the offer. Interest is being paid w.e.f. 12.04.2012 . The reason given in Point no. 4 of DPS is that there was a delay in giving the clearance by SEBI. The observation letter was issued only on 23.04.12, hence all other dates have been calculated with reference to this date. The Acquires making SEBI solely responsible for this delay. This is not correct as would be clear from the subsequent action of the Acquirers who declared their attention to withdraw the offer. The Acquirers were not pursuing the clearance by SEBI sincerely which resulted in the delay. They have to own up their responsibility and pay interest from the original date when payment was due i.e. 02.02.10.
  2. In Gross violation of the SAST 1997, interest is being paid only to Original shareholders. The Takeover code was amended w.e.f. 09.09.02 specifically to protect the investors from such unscrupulous Acquirers who delay the implementation of the Open offer and subsequently take shelter of some court cases. Such Court cases when initiated were not under the light of the amended section 44(i). This section is still valid and not been struck off. This must be respected and implemented.
3.    The PAC who is actually carrying out the obligations of the Open Offer was in fact not a PAC on the date of the Announcement of the open offer. The Acquirer along with PAC announced the  offer on 12.11.2009. However at para No. 6 of DPS it appears that the acquirer and PAC had entered into MOU only on 14.11.2009.
  1. There is no disclosure on the Change of Merchant Banker (MB). We are all aware that in the process of Open Offer MB play a very significant role and the investors and the Regulator must be informed why the MB who was handling the Open offer earlier has been replaced.
  2. There is an apparent dispute between the Acquirers and the PAC. It is an admitted fact that the PAC  wrote to SEBI to exclude the name of The Acquirer, this request was rejected by SEBI. This needs to re-examined by SEBI. How the fortunes of a company can be handed over to a warring group.

You are requested to please examine the above issue and give appropriate directions in the interest of the investors and securities market.  


Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Arun Goenka        

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